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Updates:Welcomes to Ashu Bhardwaj Visa Advisor Read More

3 Columns


Important Information
Post By: Ashu Bhardwaj

Canada Visa Application Centres reopened

Canada Visa Application Centres reopened From 18 May 2020, the centre in Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) will operate from ...


Important Information
Post By: Ashu Bhardwaj

हेल्थ सर्टिफिकेट दिखाकर ही यात्री फ्लाइट में हो सकेंगे सवार /Passengers will be able to board a flight only after showing a health certificate

लॉकखत्म होने के बाद जब भी फ्लाइट का सफर शुरू होगा तो यात्रियों को कई नए नियमों ...


Important Information
Post By: Ashu Bhardwaj

Canada Emergency Response Benefit

What is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit कनाडा इमरजेंसी रिस्पांस बेनिफिट क्या है If you have stopped ...


Important Information
Post By: Ashu Bhardwaj

Lockdown could last up to 6 months, UK warns, as US and Europe also gear up for extended restrictions

PUBLISHED CNBC MON, MAR 30 20203:46 AM The lockdown in the U.K. to stop the coronavirus outbreak ...